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Gov. Newsom highlights NCC advocacy

August 6, 2024

California business leaders support Governor Newsom’s executive order to address homeless encampments with compassion

SACRAMENTO: Business leaders throughout California support Governor Newsom’s recent executive order directing state agencies and departments to develop policies to address encampments with both urgency and compassion, and encouraging local governments to do the same. Since Governor Newsom took office, the state has invested over $40 billion to boost affordable housing, and additionally, more than $27 billion to address homelessness. Governor Newsom urges local officials to use this unprecedented financial assistance to provide vulnerable communities residing in encampments with the supportive services and help they need.


Jennifer Barrera, President and CEO, California Chamber of Commerce: “California’s business community is grateful for the Governor’s leadership in addressing homelessness in our state. Governor Newsom’s executive order and the actions it calls for will greatly improve public safety and our business climate while providing appropriate resources to those in need.”

Rachel Michelin, President and CEO of the California Retailers Association: “Cal Retailers supports the Governor’s continued work to address homelessness in California. Our members operate in every community in the state and appreciate the Administration’s prioritizing safety while also helping those who are unhoused. Retailers care about our employees, our customers and neighborhoods we operate in and retailers large and small have been impacted by individuals who we know need intervention to get on a better life path. We appreciate the leadership of the Governor on this important issue.”

Jot Condie, President & CEO, California Restaurant Association: “CRA applauds Governor Newsom for issuing an executive order … to humanely clear homeless encampments. Restaurants have been on the front lines as individuals that need help are increasingly engaging in unsafe behaviors harmful to our staff and guests and are left in inhumane circumstances on our streets. The time has come for a bold and different approach.”

Lynn S. Mohrfeld, CEO & President of the California Hotel & Lodging Association: “We applaud the Governor’s efforts to urgently and compassionately adopt clear policies to address homeless encampments and supporting the authority of local  governments to address this important issue for the safety of all Californians and visitors to this great state.”

Tracy Hernandez, CEO of BizFed & New California Coalition: “Now that there are ample resources and tools to humanely relocate homeless to shelter and those in special need to get services, it’s time to also consider needs of store front businesses and their employees who need clean and safe access. BizFed and New California Coalition join with Governor Newsom to urge local leaders to move quickly to take action.”

Los Angeles Region

Maria S. Salinas, President & CEO of Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce: “The L.A. Area Chamber commends Governor Gavin Newsom for taking swift action following the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Grants Pass case. We believe this is a critical step to address homelessness. With the executive order, and other state actions like Prop. 1, local governments are empowered with the authority, direction, and resources to remove homeless encampments. We understand homelessness is a complex issue that requires humane solutions to ensure public health and safety, we appreciate the Governor’s leadership to make impactful change in local communities.”

Luis Portillo, President & CEO of San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership: “The San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership commends Governor Newsom for taking proactive and thoughtful actions to address homeless encampments. Governor Newsom and his administration have provided unprecedented investments to assist state and local governments to humanely relocate unhoused individuals and to provide services to those in need.”  

San Diego

Fred Tayco, Executive Director, San Diego County Lodging Association: “The Governor’s Executive Order will enhance California’s ability to bolster jobs, strengthen public safety, safeguard our environment, and ensure a path to stability for those who need it most.”

Betsy Brennan, President & CEO, Downtown San Diego Partnership: “At the Downtown San Diego Partnership, the crisis of homelessness remains our top advocacy and community priority. We are proud to have worked with the business community throughout the San Diego region to successfully advocate for compassionate, human-centered, and results-driven local solutions to the ongoing health and safety concerns created by tent encampments. The advocacy of many continues to be heard and we are eager to work with State officials to address this critical issue for our urban neighborhoods and others throughout California to improve the quality of life for everyone, including those who are unhoused.”

Bay Area

Barbara Leslie, President & CEO, Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce: “The Oakland Metro Chamber has raised over five hundred thousand dollars in support of fellow Oaklanders who are experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness . We have worked in partnership with the City Administration for a decade to find innovative solutions for interim housing as one component of a comprehensive plan to eradicate homelessness in our City. No one should experience homelessness and reducing encampments reduces the threats to both our unhoused and housed residents across Oakland. Our small businesses, struggling to survive, need clean and safe streets to safely operate. A comprehensive and compassionate housing policy must include reducing encampments while ensuring supportive care and a path to permanent housing for every individual.”

Leah Toeniskoetter, President & CEO, San Jose Chamber of Commerce: “We commend the governor for taking decisive action to address the critical issue of encampments, aligning with our commitment to creating a safe and welcoming business environment. Addressing the encampment crisis is not only a social responsibility but also an economic imperative. We look forward to collaborating with state and local officials to implement the measures outlined in the executive order, ensuring we find sustainable solutions that balance public safety with the needs of the most vulnerable populations.”

Jim Wunderman, President & CEO, Bay Area Council: “Getting our many thousands of unhoused residents indoors and out of unsafe, unhealthy and inhumane outdoor encampments is critical to ending California’s homelessness crisis. We were proud to file an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case that is spurring Gov. Newsom’s executive order and we applaud the Governor for his decisive action. California cities must now rise to meet this moment, to grab this opportunity and provide the shelter and housing that can end our long homelessness nightmare and restore a sense of order and civility to our streets, sidewalks and other public spaces. This is not about criminalizing the unhoused, it’s about meeting our responsibility to help our neighbors.”

Inland Empire

Nicholas Adcock, President & CEO of the Greater Riverside Chambers of Commerce: “Solving homelessness is critical to the growth and success of our business community. I thank the Governor for leading with urgency and announcing an executive order to clear encampments statewide while providing individuals with supportive services. In Riverside, we will continue to work with our city leaders and other local jurisdictions to ensure homelessness is addressed and all businesses can thrive.”  

Central Valley

Janelle Capra, President & CEO, Greater Bakersfield Chamber: “The Greater Bakersfield Chamber thanks Governor Newsom for working to address homeless encampments urgently and humanely across the state while providing services to those in need. The effort to solve homelessness is critical to the prosperity and security of local businesses and their customers.”