April 12th Bear Essentials: (Mostly) Good News Friday Copy
April 12, 2024

We have some (mostly) great news! While a new report features massive flaws tracking spending and outcomes of the state’s homelessness programs, our water storage is doing amazing and we might be seeing positive steps in finding a solution to the home insurance crisis.
🤫 Everything you should know
- April showers bring full reservoirs – at least for Lake Shasta this year which is expected to be full by the end of April. The reservoir serves as a crucial storage in California's water management system, so news about it being full bodes for a great year of plentiful water for the region. But for those with memories stretching all the way back to 2022, we know dry years happen often. “With over 4.3 million acre feet of water, Lake Shasta is at 118 percent of the historical average for this date. Lake Shasta has averaged 3.67 million acre feet of water on April 9 historically,” which means this year is atypical. Here at the NCC, we are advocating for more water capture, storage and desalination facilities so California’s water fortune isn’t based on precipitation. San Joaquin Valley Sun
- California spends billions on trying to end homelessness, so much that we have a state council tasked with overseeing the implementation of these programs but a recent report from the State Auditor’s Office found we’re failing to track spending and outcomes – leaving us wondering what’s the use of this council and all that’s spent to solve one of the state’s biggest problems. Cited in the report as reasons for the lack of accountability is missing documentation and inadequate coordination between state and local bodies are key issues. No crisis of this magnitude will have a perfect solution, but failing to even track this amount of money is a massive failure. LA Times
- The CA Home Insurance Crisis might get solved… But it won’t be easy. State Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara found common ground with insurers in a positive first step. But Lara also described the dynamics between his agency and the industry as a “forced marriage,” and that “we’re staying together for the kids.” The kids being nearly 40 million people living in California who need insurance to own homes, drive cars, and live in modern society without the risk of their most valuable assets becoming trash. Raul Vargas, the CEO of Farmers Insurance also didn't describe the situation in very positive words. He said that to find answers we need to "look outside." But Vargas also said there have been positive “constructive conversations” with California’s Insurance Department that has allowed the company to remain in the state. It is notable that the CEO of a major U.S. insurance company publicly expressed support for Lara’s plan. Moving past this insurance spiral of higher premiums, more claims and companies leaving the state is necessary for us to get closer to addressing the home affordability crisis in our state. CalMatters
NCC Partner Feature

We are incredibly proud to have an amazing roster of widely talented and diverse partners. This week we met with Jose Pecho, the Chairman of the San Francisco Filipino American Chamber of Commerce, who is a key partner for the NCC and is focused on bringing his community into the electric vehicle revolution so no one is left behind.
1. What’s one thing you love about California?
One of the things I love about California is the diversity of folks and diversity of thought. That's what's really, really powerful. Especially today, no idea is too crazy or bold. And the beauty of it is that people, more often than not, are willing to listen. There is also open dialogue from the Governor, who wants to push the envelope, which is really important
What advice do you have for someone who wants to stay in California but feels like they’re being priced out of housing and their opportunities are shrinking?
Well there’s a micro and macro view of our state’s economy, except from a macro view from folks that are up at the top, they don't often get to hear some of the things that are happening at the grassroots level and in the streets. I think some people are struggling to get ahead and policy is not working fast enough to give them a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a challenge for our leaders who are working every day in service of our state.
What does your organization, the San Francisco Filipino American Chamber of Commerce, want to accomplish this year?
We are really working with the EV mobility lane. With the hopes that our organization will be there to help hone in those opportunities at the end of the year, at the end of 2024. I firmly believe that I would like to have been part of the organization that was instrumental in creating an innovative program around electric mobility and the adoption of it for our community in a faster, much more accelerated way.
🗳️ Shoutout to Silicon Valley Voters
There are many Silicon Valley voters reading this, and to them we say: Congratulations! You just made history after the Congressional primary ended in a tie which will lead to a three-way November runoff — a first since California adopted its top two primary starting in 2012. Two candidates running for Congress tied for the second spot in the run off and now three candidates are moving on to the runoff. The election winner will replace retiring Rep. Anna Eshoo. CalMatters

🐣 Condor Babies Hatched at the LA Zoo
Five California condor chicks recently hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo, the first hatchlings of this breeding season for the endangered bird, and more than zoologists expected! The L.A. Zoo has housed California condors since 1967, when Topa Topa arrived as a malnourished fledgling rescued in the wild, zoo officials said. By 1983, there were only 22 California condors left on the planet, mostly because of deadly DDT insecticides that drove the condors to near extinction, and that’s when the new captive breeding program was started. As of December 2023, there were 561 California condors in the world, with 344 living in the wild, which is a huge testament to scientists who were dedicated to keeping the species alive. FOX 11 LA

🌼 Poppy-Mania is Here
Enviable photos from the East Bay show gorgeous poppies in bloom and serve as a great reminder to get outside this weekend if you’re able to and enjoy California’s spring blooms.